First stop, Henderson, KY for chicken. Not as good as I remember. Then again, my memory has "sucked" as of late.

Waitress at Denny's next to my favorite motel chain got out of her car to go to work and the car promptly burst into flames. She wasn't such a hot babe so don't know what caused it. She was pretty bummed.
Kentucky landscape. So nice to see some rolling hills laden with trees as opposed to the Illinois ag. land.

Lots of old people, but amazingly there were lots of really young people like myself visiting Graceland. Several I talked to knew a lot of Elvis history. Elvis' life was impressive and people from many countries knew of him.

His Memphis home was rather small. Sits on a ten plus acre site. Payed a little over a hundred grand.

Beale Street, big beers, barbeque pork sandwiches, and small venues of live music. 50's-60's music.

Jerry Burt, 67 years old, with his proud to be an American sign stands in the same spot for four hours each day on Beale Street.. He's been to other southern cities and to D.C. to do the same. Nice conversation with him. Most of day was overcast with patches of blue, then about 5pm, it started pouring.

Local street talent.

Had a couple of these and

Glad to see you are alive.
You should have your own show on the travel channel.
Wow, what a road trip! Love the pictures and comments.
We had some wacko church from Kansas come to Hawaii. The Westboro Church. They stood outside New Hope at Farrington with signs: God Hates Hawaii, Fag Church (with two men posing in position on it), You're Going To Hell, Thank God for All the Dead Soldiers, etc...
They stood outside our church yelling and a few other churches. Then they went to the Arizona Memorial...
too bad that man with his sign, that you saw, could not have been here to oppose them.
Hopefully some Hawaiians got a hold of them and shown them some Hawaiian hospitality.
Any way the street is really quiet without you. As a matter of fact Mark and them haven't been having parties...I think they only do it to irritate you...so could you stay a way for awhile so that we can get some Peace and Quiet!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take care and keep the blogs coming!
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