Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Traveled most of the way on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Nice day, temperature in the 60's, a little cooler at 5,000 feet. Unlike the vog in Hawaii, the air here is clean and clear.

Would you believe this cup of coffee cost 25¢ the morning I left Cherokee? I was stoked! I asked the clerk if she was drunk.

This one cost $1.49 for the same size in Blowing Rock.

Just for that, I'm filling the cup half full with

Not a cloud in the sky. The weather rolls through pretty fast and I've seen it go from this to completely overcast in a couple of hours, and it has rained most nights. So far, I haven't been rained on. Knock on wood.

There's something to be said for a library like this in a small village.

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