I left her place about 10:30pm to head back to the motel. First thing I noticed after starting the bike was there were no instrument lights illuminated. Strange. Wasn't about to try to figure out what the problem was then, so off I went. A few blocks away, I noticed the brake and tail lights were not working. Jeez! All I need now is for some CA idiot driver not to see me. Now I've got to get on the freeway and go a mile to the next exit. Definitely not good to be flying down the freeway at night without rear lights. Oh Lordy, please make sure I don't pull onto the freeway in front of a cop. I don't know what I was worried about, for as I pulled off the freeway, I found the street leading to the motel cordoned off and there must have been a zillion cops on scene. Now what?!! Cop told me I'd have to get back on the freeway, go a mile up the road, and double back on a surface street. Just my luck! Oh please don't let him see that I don't have any rear lights when I turn around. Back on the freeway and hoping I won't encounter a cop for what seemed to be a really long mile. By a stroke of luck I found my way back to the motel, but the yellow tape was stretched across the road one driveway before the motel. Now I'm pissed! I fly right up to the tape and some cop is frantically waving his arms in order to get me to stop. I'm clutching my heart and yellin' "I've got really bad heart pains and need to get to my motel room to get my meds. I'm going to die if I don't." It worked! He lifted the tape, and as I drove through, all I could think of is that he will notice the rear bike light are out. If he did, he didn't do anything about it. Oh yeah, a couple of guys tried to rob the convenience store next to the motel and there was a shootout between them and the cops. Two against a zillion....bad odds. Both bad guys got shot.
Is that Trudy's mom?
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