I wonder if this owner ran out of gas.
Looks like it's starting to cloud up.
Like a bolt out of the blue, this place is sitting in the middle of nowhere and I mean nowhere.
She makes one hell of a BLT. Been in the area for a couple of years. Her husband works for the electric company. She says there's about 15 families for miles around, mostly in farming and cattle ranching. Has one kid and one on the way.....Jeez! Where the hell does one go around here to pop a kid?
Excuse me, where's the restrooms. She pointed. When was the last time you visited one of these? YUK!!!
Funny, I thought you were going to run out of gas. Nice plot twist. Did you know the Garmin gives you directions to the nearest gas stations. Just thought I'd let you know.
Yeah, you're right except it doesn't tell you whether they are still a viable business. DUH!!!
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