Who says you're supposed to get smarter with age?
This blog will reflect stuff (mostly stupid stuff on my part) that happens to me on a daily basis.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Another great day, cool but not cold and no wind. Lots of traffic on the road was the only problem as evidenced by the following picture. Late 1800's town. Fort Steele grew into a commercial centre, shipping lead, zinc and silver from Kimberley's North Star Mine to smelters in the United States. However, when the railway bypassed the centre in 1898 the town was gradually deserted. This was like looking in a mirror. The mountain view sure beats the flat crop lands. Eye catching! Click on it for a larger view. A great road side stop to have lunch. Man, I love this country.
Yes must agree with the similarities of you and the WHITE hair "ass" HA HA!!!
Yes must agree with the similarities of you and the WHITE hair "ass"
HA HA!!!
Apparently you have a fan club.
Looks like a beautiful ride. Are you running into very many people?
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