Friday, June 8, 2007

Went 600 miles round trip just to eat chicken. At one time, the fried chicken in Henderson, Ky was the best I've ever had, but this time it "SUCKED" big time. Either the cook died or they shipped him back to Mexico. Or they are now buying the chicken from WalMart which was shipped from China.
Click on map or pictures to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

600 miles for chicken?? Are you nuts??!!

Family said...
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Family said...

Why yes he is...what' your point?

Sad thing is, Gen would have made him better chicken and he wouldn't have had to have drived 600 miles for it.

Family said...

first post had spelling issues

Anonymous said...

Appears as though the next post has issues as well. drived??? I now know I should have contributed more to his schooling. Yuk, yuk!

Leonna said...

And the very next post you brag about getting the kid an education. What kind of grammer is "wouldn't have had to have"?
Hope you are having a great time golfing with your 40 year old "youngest" son. HMMM that makes you?....