Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Woke up and it was pouring rain. Crap! Did the morning stuff, packed my bag and put on rain gear. By that time, the rain had stopped. A few light sprinkles for the first half of the trip and although it was overcast during the second half, the rain had stopped completely.

Took the following picts while flying along I-90 at 80mph. I'm surprised they turned out as good as they did. Click on picts to enlarge.


Leonna said...

We are all worried about people talking on cell phones and driving 30 miles an hour and here you are taking pictures, on a bike, at 80 miles an hour. Hope none of that part of the gene pool was passed on.

Anonymous said...

The difference here is I can walk and chew gum at the same time. No decrease in my speed, unlike some who get light-footed in the left lane as they fumble with their phone.

Unknown said...

When they do an investigation to see what caused the accident, they will find gum in your mouth and speedometer pictures on your camera! I'll tell them I never heard of Bob C. in my life!

Family said...

Note to SF agent in Hawaii and provide address to blog.