but I got behind this vehicle, took the sign literally, and ended up in Moab, Utah.
I went up over another pass yesterday, and my bike suffered again from altitude sickness. No clutch! Fortunately, not too much traffic and not many 15mph curves. No fun, so the next morning

the bike was here. Nate the mechanic thought there might be air in the hydraulic system, so he checked for leaks, bled the system and wished me luck. Presented me with a bill for $33.23. I thought it was a mistake, but it wasn't. I was stoked!

Back on the road, and it's just me and the road for miles.

Geez....Where is everyone?

Some sights along the way. Narrow road with few places to pull off, so some of the picts were taken while I was riding. To please Robin, I spit out my gum beforehand.

The rock formations are impressive.

This store was in the middle of nowhere. I didn't see another building around it for miles. But it was 104° in the shade and the soda was cold.

They won't let her have an umbrella. She used to live in Connecticut but followed her daughter to Moab a few years ago. The daughter moved to Hawaii with her kid, and grandma is left holding a sign. By the way, grandma is only 41. Daughter in Hawaii is about to pop another kid. Grandma has a couple of kids elsewhere and didn't take too kindly when I said she could be a "Great" grandmaw before she reached 60.

I sure was glad to be at the head of the line.
So, you hit on the flagger? Invite her to visit? and all? Hm mm. Must be getting pretty lonely out on the grand prairie
$33 to suck the air out of your system. That's a deal. You certainly couldn't get that rate on Hotel St.
Speaking of grandkids, the girls are missing ya.
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