Who says you're supposed to get smarter with age?
This blog will reflect stuff (mostly stupid stuff on my part) that happens to me on a daily basis.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Presently in Jackson Hole at the local Motel 6. No wifi here, but the Super 8 down the road has wifi. Why not stay at the Super 8 you ask? Price for a room at Super 8 - $140. Motel 6 - $80. The chinaman did the math. The weather...still beautiful. However, this afternoon the wind is picking up from the south and high white clouds are rollin' in. Hope it isn't a sign of impending rain. Rock formations impressive
The following images taken at Canyonland NP
On the way to Ogden, UT. The days are still perfect except it is starting to get warm. Maybe in the middle 90's
On to Jackson Hole, WY. Home of the Tetons and the range is impressive
A little wildlife.
Small park in the middle of Jackson. Best part of this town for the rest of it consists of specialty shops looking for the tourist dollar. Lots of people and cars. One thing about being on the park roads is everyone seems to be laid back. No one trying to run over you getting from point A to B.
How's the bike running now? Did the $30 repair fix the problem? Are you getting excited to have 5 grandkids running around the house?
The blow job seems to have fixed the problem. Guess I won't push the bike off the side of a cliff just yet. Nice typo error on the number 5.
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