Hope I don't jinx it by commenting on how good the weather has been. Can't say the same for the bike. Rear tire had to be replaced. $239 bucks! Geez! I could get all four tires on my car replaced for that price. Drive shaft is leaking. Not bad. Worse, was loosing my clutch and not able to shift gears while heading up over a 10 thousand foot pass on the way to Aspen. Spooky! Got stopped at the top of the pass after screamin' like a sissy and scattering a bunch of people....now what. I figured I could coast to the bottom....and then what. I'm thinking push the bike over a cliff when no one is looking and tell State Farm it was stolen. Alright Aaron...Don't have a cow! Popped the fill cap off for the clutch fluid and noticed some air bubbles as I exercised the clutch. Seemed to fix the problem somewhat. Not the best...but at least I can shift gears. I'm such a lucky duck!

Yet, who can complain after seeing veiws like this...

Stopped at a small mountain town this past week-end. Celebrating "Donkey Days" with a parade. There's something to be said for a small town and the people in it.

Not to mention small town mountain girls.

Birds eye view of town. One main street less than a mile long. Main street lined with casinos, mostly with just slot machines and lots of old buggahs losing their kids' inheritance.

And we're off!

That's all the marching guys in the parade. As I said, it's a small town.

Damn fine looking fire truck. The loudest part of the parade.

Got to wonder what kind of milage this thing gets.

Old cars driven by really old people

The jack-ass is probably thinking he would rather be roaming a field.

Oh mama, what fun!

The parade "Queen".

Lots of horses and riders. Only one donkey, so far.

Lots of this, and I am directly down wind. Not so much fun. Good thing this was the end of the parade.

And then the donkey race. Down the street and around the block.
Presently in Glenwood Springs and will be heading up into Wyoming tomorrow. That is if the bike cooperates.