Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Today, I walk into the local Lowe's hardware store and the first thing that confronts me is the following:
Geez! The start of October and already Santa is beckoning. Wondering why so early, I did some research, and here's an excerpt of something I found.

Jesus never commanded Christians to celebrate his birth. Rather, he told his disciples to memorialize, or remember, his death. (Luke 22:19, 20) Christmas and its customs come from ancient false religions. The same is true of Easter customs, such as the use of eggs and rabbits. The early Christians did not celebrate Christmas or Easter, nor do true Christians today.>>

WTF!!! It took me all these years to find this out! All the people that make themselves "nuts" during the Christmas season.....not really necessary. Just think, instead of just the "big guys" screwing our economy, the little guy now has an opportunity to play, as well. How you ask? Don't shop for xmas presents. We'll show those overpaid, under-performing CEO's along with the board of directors creating their compensation packages how to do something "first class." So there!

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