On impulse, I bought a Sony MP-3 player the other day. Decided it was time to jump the iPod ship and try something new. 99 bucks for a 4 GB player and includes an FM tuner. For that price, I'd see chickens f---! Actually, it didn't cost me anything. I used the kid's inheritance to pay for it.

I got to thinking (something I don't do often) about the 4 GB size of this player in comparison to the first computer I can remember, which was a UNIVAC that had a 100 MB ( that's MB, not GB) hard drive and .5 ram.

Cost for this baby was around $1.6 million during the 50's. All this with a 40 times less capacity than my new mp-3 player. The first computer I bought was a Commodore VIC-20 and was able to play "Pong" on it. At that time, I thought it couldn't get any better than this. Was I in for a surprise.
Now if someone would work on the following:
With all that has happened in the airline industry this past month, I'm hoping to live long enough for someone to invent a Star Trek "Beam me up, Scotty" type machine that will get me across the pond.
That's OK Aaron. I'm leaving all mine to my cats. LOL
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