Seems just yesterday when I was changin' this kids diaper.

Now she's got one of these, who by the way, puked on me the other day.

And unfortunately, Tehani has the grandpa's hairline.
Some of the neighbor girls, who I've been trying to get to marry me these past years. When they were young and giggly, that's just what they did...giggle. Now they're saying to themselves, "Jeez! How much longer do I have to put up with this ol' buggah?"

Tried to get this one to marry me, but her husband objected. I wonder what the hell is growing from the top of her head.

Not this one either. The kid objected. I never noticed before, but she has an extra arm.

Grandma just can't seem to let the kid out of her sight. Jeez, it's just a kid!!!

More kids...

1 comment:
What a great neighborhood. Hmmm? Why don't we do stuff like that?!? Maybe cause it's 14 degrees outside.
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