Jeez!...What the hell is happening. I go to the window and look out. Cops everywhere. Bunches of them, guns in hand and running every which way. Looked like a Chinese fire drill.

About an hour later, they capture some guy on the second floor and as they are bringing him down, I'm jumping up and down screamin' "Save the tax payers some money, shoot the bad guy. C'mon, shoot, shoot!!! What the hell's wrong with you sissies. Gimme a gun, I'll shoot the bum. So, I get arrested for causing a commotion, and it's off to jail we go.I don't know where they took the bad guy, but I ended up here.

Broke out the next morning and headed west. Actually, I went east. I said west initially just to throw off the cops.
This sounds like a true story....Only you would scream the truth. Little do you know the criminals jail was allot nicer! Shit out of luck again.
So where are you now? No maps lately to track your adventures.
Back to Bloomington to park the bike for winter and headed back to the rock.
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