The other day, it dawned on me that I'm just not getting sex anymore. I'm thinking, what should I do to change this. That same day, the answer came to me while power walking with my neighbor, she for the health effect, me just to watch the sway of her.... well I'm getting off the subject.
We met this lady walking two Jack Russell Terriers

and during the course of the conversation, she said the hyper one would become less so when she gets it de-nutted or for you refined types, neutered. Eureka! There's my answer. I'm gettin' a sex change!
I've already talked to a doctor and he said with luck, I could end up looking like this....

When done, I plan to pay for the operation by "SELLING MY SERVICES" on Mango Street in Wahiawa and lookin' like this, I can make lots of money. STEVE! FREE FOR YOU!
My neighbors have a name picked out for me. I will be known as "Bobarina."
Wow! I get all the sex I want and get paid for it as well. Once again...STEVE! FREE FOR YOU!!!
I had a dream about you while we were on vacation. In my dream, you came to our house and I noticed a ring on your finger. You told us you had gotten married again and that Aaron was going to have a little brother. You then showed us a picture of your 30 yr old wife. YIKES!
Amazing but spooky...You got everything right except for the gender of the child.
Have you been taking your medication? Aaron
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