Yesterday, I'm in a store and saw the same type of paper cutter on the shelf and bought it to replace the one my neighbor DIDN'T return. When I got home, I took it out of the wrapper and went to put it in the desk drawer. Imagine my surprise when I opened the drawer and saw the original paper cutter laying there. There can only be one explanation for this. My neighbor snuck into my house and returned it without my knowledge. What the hell else could it be???? And yes, fear of retribution prevents me from telling her that she had in fact, returned it. Who wouldn't agree after seeing her picture.....
Now what you should do is give her the new one all wrapped up in shinny paper and appologize for being such and "A--------". But of course that will never happen.
Already been done long before you suggested it except for the shiny paper part. As for the "A------" part, you're more of one for not having the balls to back up your comments with your name. Also, you might consider returning to school to learn how to spell simple words like shiny and apologize.
But this way (not spellig words correctly) you are kept in the dark, trying to guess who the hell Anonymous is this time. At least you can tell I didn't finish college so can't compete spelling wise with all your college larnin'.
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