Here in Hawaii, everyone knows that “black” dogs are not safe around Filipino men. It has been rumored that these dogs are a delicacy and maybe it’s true, because not many are seen in communities having a large Filipino base such as Kalihi, Waipahu and Ewa Beach. Basically, if your pet “black” dog goes missing, go knock on the door of Mr. Macadangdang’s house.
For the longest time, I thought this black dog thing was a myth, but I am now convinced there might be some truth to it. Here’s why.
My Filipino neighbor across the street got a black dog several days ago. He said it was for his kids. Sounded reasonable until I asked him what he had named the dog. His reply, “DINNER.”
I'll bet the owner of this car won't be full of good cheer when he or she returns and sees this.
Then again, the owner could be on the hefty side and balance things out. Oh look, there she is taking a break.

GEEZ!!! I don't remember this. Was I drugged?
I must say, the expression on Hannah's face......PRICELESS.
I'm usually for less government involvement when it comes to private enterprise, but when it comes to the airline industry, I'm about ready to support re-regulation. With regards to air fares, consumers don't stand a chance if they aren't lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. Case in point. Four days ago, I found a summer 59 day round trip fare from Hawaii to Chicago for $432. That's right, $432. I was stoked! Although I thought this couldn't be true, I pressed the buy button. Last year, I found a fare for $518. which I thought was great, but ATA went belly up before the trip and I ended up paying $695. for the same trip on another airline. So in my mind, because of this great fare, something catastrophic will happen before the trip.
I'm just hoping I don't go "belly up."
Here's where it gets interesting. Today, just four days later, the same trip now goes for $995. What the hell happened in four days to cause the price to more than double???!!!
Hence, time for
to re-regulate.
And while you're at it, would you please include bringing back a few of these.