Thursday, December 7, 2006


Yesterday while entering the freeway, I found myself behind someone weaving from side to side in the traffic lane traveling about ten miles below the speed limit. Cars were whizzin' past me on both sides making it difficult to get around the nutcase ahead. Blood pressure starts to rise and was through the roof by the time I was able to move past. What do I see........A woman with a burger in one hand and a cell phone in the other with both elbows on the steering wheel eating and talking at the same time.
A couple of miles down the road, I fly past a car in the left lane going slower than the designated speed limit. What do I see.....A woman reading some document while driving in a car that contained two small children in car seats. I'll admit, I'm not too bright on occasion but never to this extent. Any one else see stupid stuff like this?


Del said...

Gosh, half the women under 40 drive this way in California. It is just routine to watch out for blondes in HUVs weaving from line to line!

Family said...

yeah...I get steamed when the light at Oakland is must have it bad...I can't imagine a commute longer than 7 minutes.