Using my trusty calculator, I was in the process of balancing my checkbook but soon became distracted and lost interest in the process. Two reasons for this. I had less money than I thought, but more importantly, nature came-a-callin'. While sitting on the pot, I got to wondering about how much crap has run through my body since I was born. I couldn't get back to the calculator fast enough, and it wasn't long before I came up with a number. At roughly between a half and three quarters pound for each day of my life, it worked out to 7.9 tons. Tons mind you. That's 15,800 lbs.

Equal to the weight of 14 Cessna 152's

or about 32 of these
I think it's time I got married again and have a few more kids to prevent my brain from turning to mush. YEAH, RIGHT!
Where do you come up with these ideas? And pictures....
When he's not on medication, his mind tends to wonder.
Oh my God! I often say that if I met Jamey's brothers first, I wouldn't have married him. He maintains that if he met my parents first, he would not have married me! With this entry, I don't blame him!
So, I guess we can agree that having me committed to the loony bin during your courting period was a good thing.
OMG! I love Grandpa. Now I know where I get my insanity. I always think of crazy things like that. Lol Don'tcha love it!! ^-^
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