About a ten minute ferry ride across the St. Lawrence from Levis to Quebec.
Old Town Quebec, from the other side.

At last, some worthwhile graffiti.
Liberal Canada. Here's a gal with her partner.

I'm going to buy some of these for the guys in my neighborhood. No Aaron, I didn't forget you. I'll bring some back for you, as well.
Gotta love this!
And this!

Many street performers like this.
Scenes one might see in a foreign country. Oh, right! I am in a French foreign country.
Wow! Lots of stairs.
More stairs???
OhMyGawd! More??? Puff, puff.
Was it worth it?
Here come the "Made in China." You can hear them blocks away. Get ready Hawaii.
Then there's the artsie, fartsie types.
Lots of people, and the tourist season hasn't officially started yet. Around the middle of June.
Quebec is celebrating 400 years of history this year. One would think it would be with something other than watering pots.

Back on the boat for the trip back.
I won't be posting for a while, since I'm going to see if I can get to the mark on the map. Not a lot of amenities in that area, and hopefully there are enough gas stations along the way. My five gallon tank doesn't get me too far.
Spent a couple days getting from D.C. to Cornwall. Got lost in D.C. Easy to do. Not a lot of grand sights along the way through York, PA and Syracuse, NY on the way to Cornwall, Ontario. I rode the back roads most of the way, and they were good roads through tree filled hilly country making for some really good rides. The days have been cool and sunny, but it rains in the late afternoon and most nights. I've managed to not get rained on, thus far. The roads are in good shape and not congested with a lot of traffic, although traffic in and around big cities suck!
It looked like big time rain was coming this morning and it was chilly, low 50's. Put on the rain gear and headed north. Not a drop of rain all the way to Levis, which sits across the river from Quebec. It's a short ferry ride across the river to Quebec, so I'll stay in Levis a couple of days. The bad, Levis roads are horrendous and not good for motorcycles. I've bottomed out on more than one occasion. The ride north, actually east, was on a good highway with little traffic until I got to Montreal. Then it was shear panic for about 25 miles through Montreal. Bumper to bumper traffic, lot of big trucks, and maniac drivers. Montreal is huge, and I don't remember it being this big when I was last here in 1956. What the hell, it's not that long ago.
One hundred twenty-four.nine!??....Will someone please send some money so I can buy some gas for the bike. I spent all my money on the 24 hour "Quickie."