to fly to Oakland and will make a

Wanted to veg out and spend some time watching the countryside fly by. The trip will take 52 hours to complete, so it probably will be more like the countryside "crawling" by.
I'll get into Oakland about 11pm and need to leave for Emeryville at 6am to catch the train. What to do for seven hours.....???
Went online and with a stroke of luck, was
able to find my favorite place

to stay, and it was only a mile from the airport. I called to make a reservation and asked if I could walk from the airport to the motel. The lady said, "Are you friggin' nuts? Even I wouldn't walk this area at midnight!" So I asked her how much a taxi would charge to get me there. She replied, "About $45." WTF!! $45 just to go one mile as the crow flies. So, I get the calculator out. $45. each way, not counting tip plus the cost of a $62. room, just for six hours. Hmmm...So I call the airport and ask if I could overnight at the airport. "Well, yes, but no loud snoring allowed."