Did a little baby sittin' the other day and it was a piece of cake. Donavan loves to get in my truck and explore. However, just like the other kids in the neighborhood, he doesn't listen to me. In fact, he does the opposite of what I tell him to do. “Don’t lock the doors, Donavan!” He locks them. “Time to come out, Donavan!” He doesn’t. “Don’t play with the sharp tools, don’t open the paint cans and put that cap back on the container of acetone, Donavan! No, no, it’s not water! PUT THE CORDLESS SAW DOWN, DONAVAN!!!" The great thing about being confined to the truck is that I don’t have to chase him all over the place. “Unlock the door and come out, Donavan.” He looks at me and laughs. When mom came home, I told him to make sure the door was locked and not to come out. Doing the opposite, he unlocked the door, opened it and jumped out. And he thinks he fooled me....Checked to see if he had all his fingers and toes and sent him home.